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Comic 338 – “Promotion Problems”

Errol: Believe it or not, I actually don’t like self promotion that much. I mean, it’s all I do it seems, but if I talk about something I like, I try to wrap it in a funny story. If someone comes up to us and asks about our band, I sometimes clam up and let Debs do the talking. I almost get uncomfortable.

Anyway, yes, we hope to get our newsletter out today. We finished a small video of the song we did for Sing Me A Story and we will post a sneak peek of it in there.

And Geeky Pleasures IS having a giveaway for Canadians. You can win 1 of 3 Copies of “Phineas & Ferb: The Perry Files’ DVD!

Tonight, Manda and I are going to watch Nelson’s play “All Your Bosses Are Belong to Chinese” at the InspiraTO Festival.

And finally, June starts National Game Development Month!

Wow! And we have a gig tomorrow. Which you probably know more about than me.

10 Responses to Comic 338 – “Promotion Problems”

  1. You do a month long thing every month Errol. When do you get around to D&E things? Or sleeping?

      • You know, we’re going to have to institute September World Sleeping Month, just for the sake of your health- Or SeWoSleMo for short…

      • That’s what you think, we’ll take NaNo’s example and include a ‘Day of sleeping dangerously’ and a target of at least 14,400 minutes of sleep to succeed (8 hours a night on average)

  2. And here was I thinking in terms of different meanings of the word promotion, and just assuming Errol had been passed over again for the job of Grand Admiral of the planet.;D