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Comic 470 – “NaNoStuck”

Errol: Warning, if you tell Manpans something, it may work my way over to me, and I put it in a comic. Ask Luke. He knows.

Manda:  I told Errol this one because we both know Kelson, and we both do NaNo, and this very much reminded me of my first year of NaNo.  The moment I couldn’t think of anything to write, I considered my idea a dismal failure and almost gave up many times.  Now Kelson is going through the same thing :D.  Also, it’s very odd when I end up giving pep talks that I know I myself never follow, although I know I should :D.

Kelson: As much as you many think this is Errol playing it up a bit… it really isn’t.

And I wrote absolutely nothing on Saturday… I’M A FAILURE!!

6 Responses to Comic 470 – “NaNoStuck”

    • If you edit, it will take much longer. Heck, I can spend a day editing one paragraph getting it just right. 😀

      Nanowrimo is about the brainstorming part. Editing comes after.

  1. Just a shout out to say that I’ve reached 7.5k (a few minutes into the start of day four)

  2. I’m having a hard time writing because my mind is on other things. Having minor surgery wed. and my anxiety is in high gear but I know I’ll get into my groove after that.