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Comic 690 – “Estimation”


Errol: But it’s done! Huzzah! I’m sure it sounds great. 😀
Debs: Actually it was more like 12 hours for me for me – I kept going while Devin did family things! It went something like 4:30-1:00am  on Tuesday with maybe an hour break, and then 10:00am-1:00pm the next morning. Then it took about an hour after that to clean, render and export.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since “Double Rainbow” took 13 hours of vocals and only gets intense right at the end. I kind of assumed it would go faster because I had mapped it all out though.

6 Responses to Comic 690 – “Estimation”

  1. So I’m hopeful that I’ll still make the podcast. I have a bit of a delay now so it will be cutting it close once I get home. I’ll be zombie jez at that time though… just as a warning lol.

    • JEZZZZZZ!!!! How was the trip? The Div wants to know what anime you will be making her and the Angelique watch. And your gift got bigger x.x