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700 Comics: Comic Submission by Lore Hera

Debs: Today is the last of the Comic 700 submissions. Thank you so, so much to everyone who submitted 😀 You guys are awesome!

130806_Lore Hera_Comic 700 - web

Lore Hera: Part of this conversation actually happened. Sort of. Meli allowed me to try and draw her New Leaf persona with my poor art skills. Please do not hold any of this against her, lol.

Also, to any Sims 3 fans, today is the day. Dragon Valley. Dragons and Elves get to mix with your witches and vampires to gain celeberaty status and try to rise to the top of their career chain. Life just got weirder.

And btw, Errol, Animal Crossing is so a fandom, so I did so keep to the theme. So there. 🙂

20 Responses to 700 Comics: Comic Submission by Lore Hera

  1. Huzzah! A post by Lore Hera!

    And actually, I didn’t really check all the comics to see if they followed the theme or not.

    In fact, a lot of those comics I saw for the first time when it was posted! ^_^

  2. Personally, I think it would do Manda and Debs good to go on the elite hammer tour and view it as Wack-an-Errol, but Meli really did protest that it was too mean. She’s sweeter than I am. 🙂

      • YOU DO! Add me as a neighbor! I have fruit! Tons of fruit! And I give my friends bells (money) and silver sling shots. Does anyone here need a silver slingshot?

      • Um, sorry, that may have been a bit hyper and scary. I’ve been on with tech support and packing all day, so I’m a little scrambled. Also, got up early, so my body is telling me to go to bed, and my brain is telling me to go to bed, but given how early it is, this does not compute.

  3. I think I change my character too much to have a solid representation of me in AC:NL.

    • I have clothing ADD on AC. I get it. I actually changed dresses to wear one I could almost draw.

      • Right now I’ve been pretty good keeping one outfit (yodel dress and alpine hat) but every once in a while I get a sudden desire to have blue hair or pink shoes, which means that the entire outfit has to change to match because I’m anal like that. xD

      • And if you hear him play, he’ll give you a copy of the track to play in your house. I need more K.K songs. But unfortunately my world clock is set 12 hours ahead. I’m never up at 8am to hear him, if I were, I wouldn’t have had to change my clock…