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Comic 887 – “Band Scramble”


Errol: We found out that the song we wrote didn’t have to be written. We just had to perform a song we all kinda knew. To be fair, I think it was me who misheard Debs and thought that we had to write a song. It was fun to write under pressure though!

Debs: Yeah, It was cool to know that we can 😀 HAPPY PI DAY!!! Who is having pie? I’m trying to embed our Pi Day video but YouTube is telling me embedding has been disabled. Weird!
Errol: Here, Debs…

8 Responses to Comic 887 – “Band Scramble”

  1. did the 2 of you ever find a solution to Errol’s nightly attempts of clearing forests? forgot to ask.

    “Under Pressure” by Queen just popped in my head…. 😛

  2. But you got ALL the points for the new song at Band Scramble! The three of you were great 😀

    I think I also recorded your performance. I really need to go through my videos…

    • I keep forgetting you’re Danica. ^_^

      And how do you know we don’t know the same songs? We’ve been part of filk for almost 5 years! At least, I have!