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Tag Archives: Alina

Comic 199 – “Reunion”

Comic 199 – “Reunion”

Errol: Leezet will probably complain the comic is also not named after her. Never satisfied. For the record, this comic idea wasn’t mine. 😀 Wow I have a lot of characters. And, I also recorded Leezet’s response to this comic. I password protected it so that no one else could see and she got to… Continue

Comic 194 – “Alina”

Comic 194 – “Alina”

Errol: Everybody and their mother gets to be in this comic… except for… well. Ya. Anyway, this conversation happened on Facebook. I don’t know WHO the ultimate authority is on Debs, but whomever you may be, can you tell her we have a gig this Saturday and I need her to be in top form… Continue