Comic Submission 818 – Meli
Meli: Christmas Day last year was the first time I read a Debs & Errol comic. It was the choose your own adventure one. So technically Christmas is my 1 year anniversary! Continue
Meli: Christmas Day last year was the first time I read a Debs & Errol comic. It was the choose your own adventure one. So technically Christmas is my 1 year anniversary! Continue
Paige: I still can’t draw, but at least this one looks less like Debs’s Paint Majesty and more like Paige’s Attempt at Something Passable. Hooray for that, I guess. Happy un-birthday, Debs. Continue
Mr. Gee: I made this comic based on my knowledge of Errol’s obsession with all things Miyazaki…and Reddit. I figured Debs would be worn out just hearing him talk about this. Hence, the comic. Continue
Jezbel: So my comic is hopefully on a Thursday. When I originally drew it I had planned out when comic 700 was going to happen and put the corresponding background in the panels. Then Errol did a Sunday comic. Gah! Luckily he’s now doing this comic a day thing so it should be on the… Continue
The eHermit: Since Debs, Errol and Manda are so completely wiped out today after their AWESOME 2nd Anniversary Party, I decided to step in and do a comic as a favor for them. It’s kinda like how when Bil Keane was out and Billy would fill in and draw the Family Circus comic for the day. Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This comic is from our very own Lore Hera. It’s like she knows my personality so well… Except I almost look angry! Manda: Yeah…that’s you. Debs: Seriously. Wow. Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This comic is from our very own Meli! So sorry that it’s pixelated! (Brian: De-pixelated! ) Debs: Ooo, I like it! It’s kind of like “Where’s Waldo”! Continue