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Comic 60 – “MS Paint”

Errol: Uh. Wow. See, the problem was that I was doing a black and white, with a touch of red. But then bringing it into a COLOUR comic kinda makes her look like the undead. Darn it. If anyone is curious, I was trying to replicate this photo from Debs site.

Debs: It’s okay, Errol. I feel like the undead today.

Sorry this was so late, it took me a long time to do this. Gradient shading by pixel is hard. I do have incremental saves of this if anyone wants to see…


Edit: Ok, two people asked, so here are the saves. 😀 If you want to know, I took Debs picture, and then turned it black and white. Then, I opened it up in Paint Shop Pro, and placed the window in the exact same position in MS Paint. I would Alt-Tab between the two to make sure that the proportions were right (although I still got some of them off). It was hard.

[nggallery id=16]
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6 Responses to Comic 60 – “MS Paint”

  1. That head is actually a bit creepy… 😮

    Love your comics; when you’re all world famous and stuff the first stop on your grand world tour is going to be Oslo,Norway… I promise I’ll come and laugh