Mercenary Pen: This was a last minute thing for me, because I keep telling myself that I’m decidedly mediocre when it comes to digital art- and even now the evidence supports that theory. But then I ran the numbers on Sunday and worked out that comic 700 was going to fall on Manda’s birthday-… Continue
No not this Errol: THIS Errol! And we wouldn’t have it any other way! In fact, I probably shouldn’t say keep calm… Instead I should say Because (though I think he had no idea) a bunch of us have been working together to come up with a creative tribute for his birthday… It was scary!… Continue
Errol: Yes, MP comes up with stuff to celebrate birthdays. Yes, we all forgot his. Debs: I didn’t forget! I didn’t know! But I should have. But now I shall always remember, for you see, there are only 5 days in the entire year where the month is the square root of the day, MP’s birthday… Continue
Hi Mercenary Pen, You’ve been a part of all our lives for so long. It’s unforgivable that we forgot to celebrate how special you are. But thankfully, I am a bonafide geek and can incorporate all your fandom preferences in a humorous and relevant way! Continue
Happy Belated Birthday MP! Here’s a message from Manda! Apologies for the low quality, it was done hastily on a webcam. Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This one is from MP! I don’t know how he first heard of us. I hope he tells. Continue