Comic 93 – “Flip Flop”
Errol: By the way, it was worse than this. What I couldn’t put in the comic because of length was us arguing about whether or not it should be cut. I thought it was fine long, and could be cut on processing. We argued about it being cut and in the end I did.
Then, she said I was right and I shouldn’t have cut it. Then it got all confused and I wasn’t too sure whether I should or shouldn’t cut it, and I didn’t think Debs was clear.
In the end, there was much weeping.
Debs: Aww…I thought this comic was about shoes. And now of course, I can’t actually remember what we ended up going with. Back for another listen I go!
The final mix for the CD is acapella and run through four distortion pedals.
But that would be cool…
Whatever was finally decided will be right…approximately half the time.