She has so many listeners. That’s why I begged her to be my bandmate. 😀
Genesis?! The game console, the rock band or the bible chapter?
All were before her time. 😀
Her time was my time, and I am familiar with all three. 😛 We aren’t THAT young!
Young enough! 🙂
“Genesis” is a wicked song! (And I resent having to complete menial math equations to say so.)
Yes, sorry about that, we were getting a LOT of spam. I hope that means we’re popular. 😀
There are menial math equations? Clearly I should comment here more often.
Fwee! Love the comics 😀
It only happens once! Just once! 😀
Oh, and I heard that if you are feeling emotional, and don’t wish to be because you may be making a speech in front of hundreds of people and the last thing you want to do is go into sheep mode when talking, do menial math equations in your head. Apparently, that should help with that whole emotion thing.
Math equations are truly a wonderful thing. All bow to the god of math! (Not Errol. The real one. Geez.)
I know that song! I know almost all of Debs’ songs. 😀
Wow, that’s impressive! She has so many!
I’m her top listener on 😉
She has so many listeners. That’s why I begged her to be my bandmate. 😀
Genesis?! The game console, the rock band or the bible chapter?
All were before her time. 😀
Her time was my time, and I am familiar with all three. 😛 We aren’t THAT young!
Young enough! 🙂
“Genesis” is a wicked song! (And I resent having to complete menial math equations to say so.)
Yes, sorry about that, we were getting a LOT of spam. I hope that means we’re popular. 😀
There are menial math equations? Clearly I should comment here more often.
Fwee! Love the comics 😀
It only happens once! Just once! 😀
Oh, and I heard that if you are feeling emotional, and don’t wish to be because you may be making a speech in front of hundreds of people and the last thing you want to do is go into sheep mode when talking, do menial math equations in your head. Apparently, that should help with that whole emotion thing.
Math equations are truly a wonderful thing. All bow to the god of math! (Not Errol. The real one. Geez.)