Comic 165 – “Neil Gaiman”
Errol: I would have made a comic of this sooner, but it’s been a harrowing few days. When I learned about this, I was pretty much useless for the next two hours. I couldn’t do anything productive except for squealing. I did blog about it though. When the pinnacle of your geekery has been reached, you have to commemorate it somehow.
Edit: Oh, and the other character is Debbie Ohi whom you will find in comic 71.
Neil Gaiman once emailed me. I achieved similar levels of squee…
Oh, and who is that with Debs? Not your sister at last is it?
He emailed you! Man! That’s even better!
And that’s Debbie Ohi, I updated the post. Thanks!
To sapient who doesn’t even know me – thanks for noticing that Errol has neglected his poor sister. I’m actually touched. But as an FYI, that character could never have been me because he made her too happy.
Ya, normally she’d be mad at me.
I hate to burst Errol’s bubble (well, maybe I enjoy it just a little!) but doesn’t Neil tweet about a hundred times a day? Okay I just looked an there’s only 40-50 or so in the last day (maybe he’s busy writing a new book!), and MOST of them are mentions of other
peonspeeps like Errol. So Errol is just one of thousands of NeilFans who get some kind of response back from that big-name superstar author they’re such big fans of.Ben, considering bragging that he “knows” someone [who lives a thousand miles away] who got tweeted at by Neil Gaiman.
Actually, I don’t think that bursts Errol’s bubble at all. He is that much of a geek that being one of thousands (or even tens of thousands) of fans who was tweeted by Gaiman is still something he would squeal about.
My bubbles are unburstable!
well i once attended a book signing Neil Gaiman did of Neverwhere in Edinburgh in late 1996, and met him briefly in person. I am acutely aware of the fact that he dislikes signing endless books for queues of fans so i barely said anything, though i was literally last in the queue (which i now realise is the place you stand if you want to take up more of someone’s time than everybody else), however he was kind enough to sign my copy of Sandman 75 with his silver pen, writing “To Calum, sweet dreams”. I still have it, and am proud of the fact that it’s still my only copy of Sandman 75 and it’s in great condition (vf or vf- i would estimate), even though it has been read many times. I’m not a multibagging comic collector at all.
(reading back this lengthy comment though, i think i might be a bit of a geek)
Ooooh, nice! I didn’t know you were a comic collector, and wear that geek badge proudly!
Yeah i have somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 comics in total i think. Most of them from the 20th century. Actually, my main areas of interest are: any US comics from 1938-1952, Archie Adventure/Red Circle/!mpact, Justice Society Of America, and The Spirit. Oh and Gary Carlson’s Big Bang Comics too, mustn’t forget those!
And Neil Gaiman is up there with Grant Morrison, Alan Moore, and Geoff Johns (among others), for me anyway.
Okay, i’ll get my anorak…
PICS! Show us PICS!
I remember when I was a university student so many years ago, and I managed to get Douglas Adams’ email address. With all the verbosity and wit of youth, I think I said something like, “Is this really *the* Douglas Adams?” He wrote back and said something equally brief, confirming that he was, and I was walking on air like Ralph Hinkley.
*LAUGH* That’s great.
See, back in the day, when email was young and you didn’t have to worry about things like… spam and Nigerian princes, you could send off an email to someone, and it was exciting.
How am I going to give you daily updates if you keep checking my stuff?
Haha, brilliant! I can very easily relate to this – I have extremely vivid daydreams of Neil Gaiman stumbling across SMASH and sending one teensy little tweet about it, then watching our readership explode. Congrats to you!
See? See? I knew you guys could relate to this!
It’s all so very exciting!