Comic 379 – “Work Woes”
Errol: Debs wrote this. I just added me in the end, because I do that. Wanna blurb, Debs?
Debs: Sure! I think this was about verbatim with Deej, anyway, who is always asking me if I want to sell the cats. We did have a good trip, but getting that work news in the midst of it was not so fun. Also, you dudes are okay with serious things in the comics sometimes, right? The economy sucks.
1st: WB Debs! Sorry to hear about the cutback. 🙁 But ooo-ooo-ooo does that mean more time to write songs? 😉
2nd: It’s kinda funny that as soon as Debs is back, it’s Errol that’s finding himself written out of the comic. 🙂
I wanna know Terraria server! 😀
I bet it’s 40% revenge 😀
Thanks eH. I don’t thing it means more songs though unless it’s a singing resume. Actually, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea….
Debs: heh that could work!
Errol: I just got it setup so that you can join without using Hamachi and without opening it up to the whole world. Info to come via email.
Whitless: I don’t have a witty reply, but felt bad not replying to you too. So yep 40% sounds about right! :wave: