Comic 437 – “Debs Solo” [FILK CONCERT]
Errol: That’s right, there is a Filk concert this Saturday, September 29th!
WHERE: Edithvale Park (roughly 131 Finch West, Willowdale)
TIME: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Cost: Free!
And open filking afterwards at 129 Holcolm if enough are interested.
Featuring Heather Dale and include performances by the Stone Dragons, Debs & Errol, and a bunch of our Filk friends.
If you’re free, come and enjoy two hours of music! Bring your friends and family!
So, it’s “Debs Solo” and it’s also “Debs & Errol”. I’d have to go just to see who shows up and what name is used…that is, if I wasn’t going to be there anyway.
Huzzah! Phil will be there!
Not Debs Solo- Debs Organa Solo perhaps:P
I did consider that… 
Although if we’re using the entire Expanded Universe I suppose you could have been equivalating Debs to Jaina Solo…
I really ought to stop before we get too obscure.
I’m horrible with machines though. I’d probably be more of a Jacen. Except I’d prefer Jaina’s fate.
You don’t want cookies from the Dark side?
You will never be too obscure with Debs when it comes to Star Wars.
So I see… *shoulders ysalamiri frame, activates holoshroud and runs away*
The nice thing about a ysalamiri reference is that it can be used in any conversation and it never feels forced
These aren’t the Star Wars references you’re looking for
I procrastinated on signing up to sing until I…just didn’t sign up to sing. And now I have a terrible cold, so it seems I wouldn’t have been able to sing anyway and probably won’t even be able to attend. But I’m sure it will be fun and involve much rejoicing.