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14 Responses to Comic 670 – “King’s Ascent II”

  1. I like how the movement keys are explained right in the background, directly above cartoon Debs’ text, as she asks what the buttons are.

    I tried the game when you guys first posted it on Facebook. I got to floor 3 and died, and decided to try again later. Then I just went and listened to the song. “Peasants…”

    I don’t do well with games like this where you have to be quick and keep moving. I get too flustered, and then what little coordination I have goes right out the window.

  2. I liked the credits. Very nice song Errol.

    I don’t know what level I got to… I got to the one where the password is tyrant. is that 5?

  3. *IS* there a way to hear the song without beating the game? I stink at the jumping games. Which is why the first Skylanders DS game is… not going so well for me.

    • There’s also an entry for the song on the D&E wiki- with embedded soundcloud player (that’s how I listened to it)

      You just need to know the name of the song