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Comic 814 – “Silence”

This took me way, way longer than it should have. I guess that's why I don't do 'em so often.

Debs: Poor Errol. At least his internet waited until after he won the contest to conk out. It probably has something to do with the massive snowstorm. Hope it gets fixed soon!

16 Responses to Comic 814 – “Silence”

  1. We got snow! But even more importantly, I’ve had PHO!

    It was good! But I don’t know how close to real pho it was. It was pho to go and was from an in-supermarket restaurant. Cooked by a three white mid-western college kids, One was perhaps Sicilian., Though I’m impressed by the dishes they made there. You could also pick the veggies and meat into a bowl and they’d stir fry them. Kinda like a mongolian bbq with a wok instead of a stone.

    But it had all the right ingredients and was pretty good. I want to have it again fresh out of the wok…

  2. somehow I could see him doing that…but if his internet’s down, how will he survive. Sorry Debs, you’re going to have to check on him to make sure he’s freaking out somewhere begging for internet.

  3. Can’t be the snowstorm that broke Errol’s internet- he must have used too much of it during the TIFF Ghibli contest… 😛

    Snowstorms in Toronto surprise me little, snowstorms in Cairo on the other hand, happened this morning for the first time in 112 years, or so I’m told.

    Hope Errol’s internet is back up in time for receiving all the guest comics for the end of the week (or should we send them to Debs instead?)

  4. We had had lots of snow this weekend, and may or may not get another quick dump here shortly. This is much more snow than we normally have this early (it’s not even winter yet), but I am enjoying it. And so is my daughter, who has been waiting patiently for my son to have time to get outside and sled down our backyard hill with her. In the meantime, she goes outside by herself all the time.

    • Awww. I went sledding yesterday, actually with a few other big kids. It was pretty hilarious. We were the worst tobogganers ever! Stupid adult weight.