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Comic 1019 – “Pegasus Awards!”


Errol: We have been nominated for a Pegasus Award! From the website: “The Pegasus Awards were founded to recognize and honor excellence in filking.” Our song, “TIE After TIE“, has been nominated for Best Adapted Song! We are crazy excited about this because we weren’t even expecting to be in the running!

As filkers, this is a HUGE honour. We will get to share the stage with many Filk Legends at the OVFF Pegasus Nominees Concert!

And Debs knew that we were nominated before I knew! *sigh* She never tells me anything. 

5 Responses to Comic 1019 – “Pegasus Awards!”

  1. Interesting that TIE after TIE was nominated rather than Make it So… and I’m sure Debs does tell you things (mostly what she tells you is “Shut Up Errol” 😛 )