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D&E Hiatus Day 18: Torturous Thursday (AUGH! MAKE IT STOP!!!)

Debs and Errol are off doing something crazy.. So HELP!!!!  OK I’ve had this earworm in my head since Saturday,,, Just the first seven words of the chorus.  I got it out of my head for about three hours and then I went and explained it to my wife and it;s back..

Maybe if I post it, it will GO AWAY!!!

Errol did this song for a family member.  He does that on occasion.  There are a few music videos out there for his family. This one is for his cousin and he does do a cameo in the middle. Enjoy! Maybe you too can have “Now’s the Time to Floss and Brush” going through your head for almost a week straight!




One Response to D&E Hiatus Day 18: Torturous Thursday (AUGH! MAKE IT STOP!!!)

  1. That’s awesome!
    And now I have another way to annoy my kids about brushing their teeth, heehee!

    (I find singing “We all live in a yellow submarine” all the way through tends to clear earworms fairly thoroughly.)