Comic 1053 – “Nervous”
Errol: Poor Debs! I don’t blame her though. She had to sing alone! I wouldn’t do that. There’s a reason I don’t sing without Debs. She makes us legit! Continue
Errol: Poor Debs! I don’t blame her though. She had to sing alone! I wouldn’t do that. There’s a reason I don’t sing without Debs. She makes us legit! Continue
Debs: To be fair, I watched half of the panel first. ๐ Continue
Debs: This was pretty cool ๐ The cast was backstage before we went on, and when we came back after singing “Trekless”, Jonathan Frakes approached me and said that he enjoyed it a lot. Do you hear that, Kari?! RIKER LIKES YOUR SONG!!! So awesome! Continue
Debs: I know it shouldn’t, but this whole thing is making me laugh. And for those of you who’ve chatted at me with things like, “I don’t even perform and I’m having nightmares reading this,” seriously. Don’t worry. It turned out just fine ๐
Debs:ย We got to sing one song before the cast ofย Star Trek TNGย came on stage, and it was “Trekless”, by Kari. It quickly became apparent that Errol couldn’t see his words at all but thankfully, his shtick in that song is slightly flustered and confused anyway, so it still worked. Continue
Errol: Huzzah! We are up on the Montreal Comiccon Website!! There is an English version but we’re linking to French only because CANADA! Debs: Aww, there’s an English version too? I really like the French version. A certain word in it definitely has different connotations in English. I am amused. ๐ Errol: The best part… Continue
Gigging at Montreal Comiccon on Saturday 13th! Continue