Comic 125 – “Tasks”
Errol: There were pages of conversations where all Debs could talk about was Pho. And people say I have trouble focusing! Debs: Oh yay, I’m feeling better. Ah, tentative post-frustrational outburst smile. Continue
Errol: There were pages of conversations where all Debs could talk about was Pho. And people say I have trouble focusing! Debs: Oh yay, I’m feeling better. Ah, tentative post-frustrational outburst smile. Continue
Errol: Yes, this was pretty much an actual conversation. Although, to be fair, Debs didn’t really say she needed better friends. She just concurred with me. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Debs. Debs: I was having a really tough time with AT-ATs and wasn’t feeling social at all. Complete nightmare for me. Whatever this… Continue
Errol: Don’t let sadness and frustration get in the way of food, that’s what I say! 😀 Debs would beg to differ. Debs: The instrumental for AT-ATs was pretty much the bane of my existence there. Continue
Debs: You win, Errol! Errol: It’s always a major celebration when Debs doesn’t want to change anything I sang. It’s like when you program something and hit run, and it compiles and executes with no errors! That is an amazing feeling! Continue
Errol: As I’ve mentioned many times before, I don’t really make any of these things up. I just go through our Gmail Chats, and pull out things that I find amusing. So yes, the joke may be old, but we keep doing it. 😀 Continue
Errol: I don’t normally get frustrated with much, but I definitely did with this song. I have no idea how many times I re-sang the thing. I tried different voice tones, I tried different timing, I tried everything. And now? I don’t even recall what it sounds like. I’m just happy it’s done. 😀 Debs:… Continue
Errol: Today is Dove’s birthday. I wrote the Pachelbel song for her. It’s five minutes of gushy feelings. Poor girl. Debs: It just needed some more variety in the supporting vocals, that’s all. Happy Birthday, Keren! Continue
Errol: I still fear she will go off and leave the band for China. *sigh Debs: Argh! I am not leaving for China, Errol! I’m starting part 2 of the course tonight that will allow me to teach government funded classes here 😛 If I ever want to leave for China, you’ll be the first… Continue
Errol: Debs would talk on and on about the ‘drunk’ section of the lyrics and I just thought she was being her normal crazy self. I eventually had to ask her what she was talking about. Continue
Errol: There was a lot of talk about the “Walkthrough” song. All the gmail chats have us going on for a while for this song. Continue