Comic 17 – “Debrief”
Errol: This is an actual conversation. Debs was shocked people laughed during the songs we were singing. Thanks, Debs. Thanks.
Debs: You’re welcome, Errol 😀 Don’t you remember how I asked you to explain some of your songs to me the first time we practiced because I didn’t understand them? And now they’re all funny!
Wait, I don’t get it.
Lol, when I read “Debrief”
I thought it was going to be about something else! :o)
Haha. Don’t blame me, Errol set that title 😀
Very true! For that matter, if you hover over the comic, I preempt my lack of titling skills..
Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!