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Song Contest and THANK YOU!

Hello all, as you know, we have a song contest for our latest CD. We’re also fan funding it, and Debs and I made this video to help promote it:

It’s also in the sidebar because youtube allows you to put custom size in now, that’s brilliant.

There are two reasons I’m posting! One is because I realized I didn’t put up a post about the video, and I figured I should.

Another reason is to thank you all for your song suggestions! They’re great! Except for my sister’s suggestion about spaghetti. Nah, I’m kidding. I love spaghetti. One of the few foods I can actually make.

And the third reason… wait, I have three reasons.

The third reason is to thank the donors that have already donated! AAAHHHHHH!!! I’M SO SHOCKED!! Don’t tell Debs this, I wasn’t expecting to get anything, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try. 😀

So thank you, thank you soooo much!

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