Comic 28 – “Something in the Water”
Errol: The final show with the Simian Showcase was great! I think inebriation helped. Not me, but for the audience. Even though I STILL couldn’t sing or perform, they were very awesome. And then after, I had food at the cast party. I was a happy man.
You may read this comic and think to yourself, “Who calls people ‘dear’?” I have no idea. I sure don’t. But for some reason, I couldn’t change the punch line. I’ve never called Debs “Dear”, but I did in this comic. Weird…
You two must be a riot in person!
The comics are much appreciated by those who can’t make it to your shows!
Someday I will, but until then keep the comics coming! I love them! :o)
Thanks Matt!
I hope one day you CAN make it to our shows! And hopefully we can make it to one of yours! That would be so fun… 
I call people “dear” or “m’dear”.