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LEGO Adventure!

Debs: Today I tagged along with Errol on a Lego Adventure! I’ll let him explain why…

Errol: My birthday! My birthday! I want an AT-AT cake, so I went and found some instructions for the LEGO Mini AT-AT which they don’t sell anymore. However, I don’t have all the parts, so I needed to go to the LEGO store!

Pumpin' Gas
Errol is frightened of gas prices. Woohoo, we have air conditioning now!

Errol: EEEEWWW! Why show a photo of me with sweat marks? THANKS Debs.

Debs: I liked your expression 😀 We missed the exit off the 427 because Errol was talking about something or other but we ended up at Sherway Gardens eventually and found the Lego Store. Yeahhhh, Lego!

Errol: Quit tuning me out when I talk to you!

I told him to look at the camera. He never listens to me. I think he was doing something on his DS.
Ooo! Look at the shiny brick wall at the back!

Debs: Unfortunately, the wall didn’t have the very specific random parts that Errol needed, which was sad because the way you buy the pieces there is totally cool. You pay per cup – just fill it up! We showed the specs to one of the Lego guys who had never ever seen those pieces before.

Errol: I needed the parts for the legs. Remember the Doc Ock character that LEGO had? The arms on him, those I needed to make the mini AT-AT legs.

Errol searched for parts on the virtual brick wall at the store…
…while I drooled over the big AT-AT. The wampa set was supercute!
Harry Potter keychains!

Debs: The online, virtual wall didn’t have the stuff, so we walked around trying to find that part in another set. We couldn’t find that one piece anywhere though.

Nooooooo! Why can’t we have you?!?!

Debs: Then Errol got distracted by the shiny things. But…seriously, there was more Star Wars Lego in that store than anything else. Loved it!

One of the Lego guys kept calling Carbonite ‘Kryptonite’. The Han minifig fits in the back!

Debs: We temporarily gave up and found lunch. This is when I asked Errol if he had searched on eBay or Amazon.[39]

Errol: No. I need the AT-AT in 10 days! That’s when the party is.

Errol was completely captivated by this poster.

Errol: Look at that burger! It has peameal AND an egg in there! This burger is AWESOME!

D: Okay, I’ve taken pictures of you stuffing your face.

E: But…but…you have to make sure the EGG is in the picture!

Eggs for real!

Errol: Debs has a picture of herself eating a veggie burger. But she won’t show it. They forgot the guacamole so she had to go back and get some of the green stuff!

They forgot my guacamole!

Errol: While I was waiting for the burger, Debs was wondering what peameal bacon was. She didn’t know. Heck, how does one explain peameal bacon? I eat it, I don’t know it’s location on pig anatomy.

After lunch we had to get back. I was disappointed because I couldn’t get the parts I wanted. It was an adventure of fail. The LEGO store was cool though, that’s for sure.

Debs: Oh come on, it was fun! And you got to hang out with meeeeeee!

We missed our exit because Errol was talking too much. Again. Sigh.

Errol: However, all was not lost. I still wanted an AT-AT and so I improvised. I had enough pieces to make my own. And here it is!


Errol: In the end, I didn’t need to go to the LEGO store at all. Wait. What am I saying? Of course I need to go to a LEGO store!

3 Responses to LEGO Adventure!

    • *laugh* I won’t change. I’ve been this way since I was born. Debs… well… I’m worried she’ll leave the band.

      I should write a song to her…