Comic 188 – “Where’s Errol?”
Errol: We either go for pho too much, or our waitress stalks us. I hear this actually happened! You know, just because the comic is daily, doesn’t mean that Debs and I hang out daily. 😀 She would go insane if she had to talk to me every day! Btw, I’m away on vacation with my family in Calgary. That’s where I’ve been since Thursday. 😀
You think that’s bad, Debs? You should see what it’s like with Errol in Calgary at a Nanowrimo thing.
“Hey, that’s Errol!”
“What? You mean THE Errol!”
“Yes, THE Errol!”
“Wow, it’s Errol!!”
“Who’s Errol?”
“You don’t know??? Here, I have one of his videos! Watch!”
* Laughs * He told me what happened in Calgary – that’s nuts 😀 I have no idea how he does it…
This is when Debs decides to get Errol a custom made calendar for Christmas (or a birthday or whenever), with every page set as November…
Well that would make him certified insane. You’re quite devious, MP!