Errol: Poor manpans… this.. too… is true. She wrote the script.
Whitless: Talking to strangers is stressful, especially when they want to sell you things :P. I also avoided walking into Snakes and Lattes alone last night :D. Errol was late, but Kelson arrived thank goodness!
The trick to dealing with sales people is knowing more than they do, and bluffing them out when you don’t.
Adorable, I tell you. Seriously adorable.
I always thought the secret was to carry a rusty butcher knife and mutter continuously and incomprehensibly.
It’s amazing how readily helpful they are when you approach them — and how rarely they approach you.
My favorite quote from the podcast – “Right, radioactive spiders. Apparently, they’re everywhere … at that point, I’d be firing the scientists….”
You could put this in the forum… where the podcasts were announced, Leezet. 😀