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Comic 361 – “Vacation”

Errol: I have been getting comments that Debs isn’t in the comic. I know. I’m sorry. But it’s true, I really just come up with this stuff based on the day or the week and what I can remember. Since I’ve been hanging out with Kelson more, he’s been in the comic more. Since Ja-Mez has been busy with work, he’s been in the comic less. And since poor Manpans can’t get rid of me, there are whole weeks with her.

Sorry guys, I know you miss Debs. Maybe if we could figure out a way to make her do D&E full time, we could see more of her. ^_^

Debs: I’ll miss you too, Errol 🙁 Aww…I miss being in the comic too but it’s true that we haven’t been hanging out as much. We could do some more comics where it is me + whoever I am hanging out with. If you draw James we could do some trip adventures! 


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