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Comic 381 – “ZombieGogo”

Errol:  Huzzah! Geeky Jules has a new project and I offered to put some songs in! It’s called Five Little Zombies and you can check it out on IndieGogo! She has a video too, which you can watch on the IndieGogo Site!

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8 Responses to Comic 381 – “ZombieGogo”

  1. Remember that deadline we gave ourselves? We have a week :P. I’m enabling taskmaster mode, no more Terraria until it’s done!

  2. No Terraria? Wait, that might be good for all of us, I have costumes to do. Manda, if you can control Errol like that, it would be a miracle.

  3. I’m very sorry. You’ll find out why soon. I didn’t know about the deadline. I can only say.. it’s all Errol’s fault!