Whitless: I was sad that Errol still won’t draw Lizette into the comics. BUT she’s coming to Toronto and I’ll be meeting her soon! YAAAAAY! Errol gets back tomorrow. I’m thinking of taking bets on how long it will take him to start playing Terraria again.
She’s coming to Toronto?! :O WE MUST HAVE HER ON THE PODCAST!!
You sure Errol won’t insist on having the podcast episode finish just as she arrives?
Actually that’s an awesome idea! 😀
lol Poor Lizette!
Who is eHermit? He’s absolutely adorable! Which brings me back to my last comment – who are all these people commenting on the web and occasionally in the comic? We all want to know!!!
P.S. Errol, in the byline, my name isn’t Lizette Elumir…. 🙂
That’s what you think… [musical cue to foreshadow unknown future]
Awww Thanks Lizette! I’m Brian Layman from down in the US. Just a fan who found the world of Debs and Errol. So I stalked on the website and Facebook – at least till I saw that shirtless photo of Errol on the beach and that brought the stalking to an abrupt end. I’ll stick to commenting on the comics from now on…
Wow, new fans!!! That’s so awesome! We’re so grateful for your stalking!!! 🙂 Errol has, on more than one occasion, taken off his shirt for the public. We lost a few fans that way…. 🙂
So, just curious, how did you come across Debs and Errol?
This is why I am glad I do a podcast with him. No fans lost! Only I have to suffer when he has the urge to take off his shirt. 🙁
When Errol did a song version of the XKCD comic “Every Major’s Terrible”, I thought it was was great!
After that it was kind of like at the end of that sports manager movie with Tom Cruise, “Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at ‘AT-ATs'”
Actually, I think it was BSG that finally clinched it. I knew my wife would like that it too. My daughter would love the uke in ‘ATATs in the Snow’. She and my oldest son just love Narwhals. Totoro was just beautiful, with the violin. And to top it off – the comic I used to check daily – http://rockwoodcomic.com had succumb to the author having no time after he became a father. So I was looking for a new daily comic.
All in all it was a perfect fit!
And so the shorter answer is “I found them through YouTube”. I was searching for every “Major’s Terrible” covers, practicing to do my own, and then knew I couldn’t top Errol’s when I saw it.
What a beautiful geek-meets-geek story! 🙂
The next question is how did Mercenary Pen find Debs and Errol from across the globe? And how well does he do a Scottish accent if he can do it. If so, could he do a good Dr. McCoy?
What? Why?