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Comic 456 – “NaNoCollab”

Errol: Nanowrimo is getting close! And I think this is one of our ideas. I have other ideas, but I guess I will figure that out when the time comes and I’m not worried about Nanotoons or the Nanomusical.


9 Responses to Comic 456 – “NaNoCollab”

  1. I was thinking the one with Debs- I wasn’t really aware there had been one with Lizette.

  2. Quick question now that I think about it- are you using classes from any specific RPG or just fairly generic archetypes?

    • We’re thinking too far ahead here, MP. 😀

      We’ve already changed a bit from then, actually. We may just be incompetent in general. I think I’m just going to stick with Bard. 😀