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Comic 472 – “He Cometh”

Errol: We were at a writing session last night for Nanowrimo. I will have you know, I have not been to a writing session (other than the overnighter) for almost two years. And yet… AND YET… This happens. 😀

Whitless:  Okay, not everyone in the room closed their laptops (well, one guy did), but everyone was under the general consensus that all productivity was pretty much dead now that Errol was coming.  It was pretty hilarious.  And very true.

9 Responses to Comic 472 – “He Cometh”

  1. Manpans’ phone goes badunk?

    And Whitless has finally succeeded in driving both Debs and Errol out of the comic. Her plans are nearly complete!

  2. I did call Manpans Whitless before I actually met her. But then Errol and seven hours of Snakes&Lattes happened.

    I also closed my laptop for the night when he came in. I do admire the girl sitting he sat beside. She actually kept writing. I didn’t know it was possible O_O

  3. “Oh, I’m fully aware.”

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that.

  4. The trick is to set up a rota for the role of “Errol bait” at writing sessions, with people taking 10 minute periods away from their novels to try and distract Errol from everyone else busy writing…