Comic 475 – “Grooming”
Errol: Huzzah! I’m so excited! It’s our first con! 😀 Oh crums, I don’t have a vehicle this weekend. I better go rent one!
Whitless: Actually, I ALSO get my eyebrows done before a show :D. Unless I play a character that has to be scruffy…which often times, I do. Because I have a funny face, and what funny face person ever plays someone with good eyebrows? Also, con, yaaay!
Debs: Oh man. I totally didn’t get mine done this time. Oh dears.
How does she put up with errol?!
She has the super power of patience! And no boundaries. 😀
You still believe that- has she not told you about the Errol puppet she beats to death regularly?
I tend to think highly of my friends. 😀