Errol: You know, I tell myself every November not to take on more stuff. And yet I do. I even decided to finish off my novel so I didn’t have to worry about that, and still, I took on more than I can chew. Good grief. I have to figure out next year! *laugh*
In the next three weeks, I need to mark 180 essays and 120 exams, finish writing and then memorise two winter songs of my own, practise with the guy singing the second part in one of said winter songs, practise two OTHER songs with my bluegrass band, perform all four songs at two separate events, do something about the whole “making an album” thing, create eleven comics and a Christmas header, and somehow find some time for Christmas shopping. So yeah, this time of year is stupid.
It’s a sad, SAD, sad, SAD daaa-ayyy
Question is, would the person responsible for closing the place down be your greatest Pho?
Oh…. dear… MP …