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20 Responses to Comic 598 – “April Concert”

  1. I was expecting some April Fool’s joke from Errol by now…

    So Debs is leaving and you’re all talking about NaNo? Show Debs some love!

    • * Laughs * Well, some are probably assuming that me leaving Toronto is a joke, but it’s actually not. HaHA!

      • I think I recall something being hinted at about this sometime in February or March, but I can’t think when… So where are you heading Debs, or is Errol planning to reveal that in another strip?

      • I’m heading east into Quebec, New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia – all the pretty nature places that don’t exist in Toronto. I’m going to travel around working on farms. I’m hoping for rewarding/relaxing 😀

      • Only thing I know about Nova Scotia is that the name is latin for New Scotland- also that its part of Canada.

      • Ooo very nice! Those are all fun places to see. I went to all those on vacation once and I think that was one of my favorite trips we did. 🙂

  2. So what is everyone’s favorite internet April fools this year? Leaning towards Google Nose, but the Youtube one is amusing too.