Comic 897 – “Searchlight Contact!”
Errol: Yes, I got a call from them! The good news is, it was a fun conversation! They just wanted to learn more about Geek Music! I hope they will tell us if they link an article or something! That’d be awesome!
And it’s Day 2 today! Please, go vote! ^_^ And then tweet! To make it easier, here it is:
Here’s How to Vote for Geek Music!
For more info, check out our Voting Page! If you go to each link, you can find a blue button that says “Vote for this Artist.”

You can vote for all of us, because you can vote for up to ten bands!
Vote Copy Red Leader – Tatooine Blues
Vote Kari Maaren – Kids These Days
Vote The Blast Processors – We Ride
Vote Press Start 2 Play – 8-Bit Memory
Vote Debs & Errol – Geek Love Song
And remember to tweet it and ask people to share, so that you can win some geek music from all of us! For more info on the contest, check out our Contest Page! (Which is the same as the voting page.)
Day 2 votes placed…
Oh, that reminds me, I should do that too!
Voted again, tweeted again! 🙂
how is it I can both laugh at your page and facepalm at Errol’s responses?? No matter who wins, I think Her Highness is going to be glaring at the Court Jester to behave LOL
Voted earlier this morning. :: Yawns::
Huzzah! ^_^