Comic 898 – “Searchlight Video”
Errol: Gunnarolla is in charge of the Searchlight Spotlights on YouTube, which helped me decide to join the contest because they hired him! That’s pretty impressive! I don’t think we will have time to make a video though. Sadness.
And for those of you wondering about the reader submissions, April 8th. April 8th is our 3rd year anniversary. THREE YEARS OF D&E! So, please get your comic submissions in before then!
Also, go check out our Simian Showcase post because we are performing there again this year! Three years!
#VoteGeek for #Searchlight!

It’s Day 3 today! For more info, check out our Voting Page!
Vote Copy Red Leader – Tatooine Blues
Vote Kari Maaren – Kids These Days
Vote The Blast Processors – We Ride
Vote Press Start 2 Play – 8-Bit Memory
Vote Debs & Errol – Geek Love Song
And remember to tweet it and ask people to share, so that you can win some geek music from all of us! For more info on the contest, check out our Contest Page! (Which is the same as the voting page.) Here are some buttons for you!
And for you Facebook people, please tag our facebook page so we know you shared it! Also add in #VoteGeek!
Ooo almost your anniversary already? I’m going to be overrun with company soon so sadly I won’t be able to do a submission but I’m looking forward to seeing the others. 🙂
Company is good though, Jez! 🙂
We miss you Jezbel!
I was unaware of the precise date you formed (the closest I could get was the date of the first comic, which- unless I’m mistaken- would be May Third)
I’m surprised that’s not in the wiki! We will have to update that.
I didn’t even think to check the wiki if I’m honest.
It just occurred to me that it would also be the three year anniversary of when I met you…you were hyped up on cold meds…I thought you guys had been a band for years…
Huzzah! Three years of meeting the manderpans!
Huzzah for three year Mandaversary
Hm…that would have been the second Simian weekend, no? That’s when Errol was hyped up on the meds. 🙂
Day 3 of voting and posting on FB. 3 years of doing webcomics is impressive
Thanks, moffattbooks! ^_^
I have to say that I am impressed with how well you are doing in the contest. I opened a dozen or so bands and I could only find one band that was within 80 plays of your 340 play count on the site. Now a play may not mean a vote, but it is still a good sign!
Well, sadly… our song has been on the Website for a couple years. ^_^
Yeah…the song had hundreds of votes before the contest even opened. *Waves sadly from way back at 29 plays*
Those don’t count as votes though 😀
No they don’t count as votes, but they give you a great psychological assist in getting votes for any one who notices that number. Because people will see “Oh look at how many have listened to this. It must be good! I should vote for it! *click* (moooo)”.
E: True! ^_^
I suspect that some of my votes haven’t counted as plas though, considering I often just load up the page for long enough to place my vote and then go on my way…
A lot of threes…. :: looks around for Data and braces for an explosion::