Comic 901 – “Searchlight Coalition”
Errol: Wow. It’s been how many days of this contest? And if CBC isn’t wishing I’d shut about this, the ‘serious’ musicians probably are. Hah!
Anyway, there have been some great articles out there covering this. Check them out!
- Pop Mythology (who gave me ideas on how to better format OUR voting page)
- Geek Hard did a great promo
- Nerd Mafia did their own spotlight on us!
If you know of any other blog that would like to do a quick promo, by all means, send them our way! ^_^ And next week? I think we should start letting CBCMusic know we mean business. I have some plans. Any of you guys got ideas?
#VoteGeek for #Searchlight!

It’s Day 6 today! For more info, check out our Voting Page!
Vote Copy Red Leader – Tatooine Blues
Vote Kari Maaren – Kids These Days
Vote The Blast Processors – We Ride
Vote Press Start 2 Play – 8-Bit Memory
Vote Debs & Errol – Geek Love Song
And remember to tweet it and ask people to share, so that you can win some geek music from all of us! For more info on the contest, check out our Contest Page! (Which is the same as the voting page.) Here are some buttons for you!
And for you Facebook people, please tag our facebook page so we know you shared it! Also add in #VoteGeek!
Voted again! How long does this contest last?
I believe it lasts until April 6th. I’m just surprised Errol hasn’t thought to tweet-bomb Jonathan Coulton and Paul and Storm yet. He’s certainly stalking CBC effectively.
JoCo isn’t Canadian though is he? Or Paul and Storm?
Nur, I don’t think Kari was suggesting that Errol would be after them to participate so much as trying to get extra publicity through them to engage their fans in the voting process.
which amused me more, Her Highness having a blonde moment or Errol being the straight man in a rare moment?