Comic #904 – “Upcoming Plays”
Errol: That’s right! This friday is Bride of Simian Showcase! Debs and I, along with Kari Maaren, are going to be the musical guests at Monkeyman Productions yearly showcase! Manpans has her own play in it, and she’s producing it! She’s important!
Manpans: Aaaand I just read the mouseover and SCREW YOU, ERROL! Anyway, yes, I have a play! I am stressed! And excited! And stressed!
#VoteGeek for #Searchlight!

It’s Day 10! For more info, check out our Voting Page!
Vote Copy Red Leader – Tatooine Blues
Vote Kari Maaren – Kids These Days
Vote The Blast Processors – We Ride
Vote Press Start 2 Play – 8-Bit Memory
Vote Debs & Errol – Geek Love Song
And remember to tweet it and ask people to share, so that you can win some geek music from all of us! For more info on the contest, check out our Contest Page! (Which is the same as the voting page.) Here are some buttons for you!
And for you Facebook people, please tag our facebook page so we know you shared it! Also add in #VoteGeek!
You forgot to suggest that Manda might be stressed about moving in the next couple of months…
RIGHT! Thanks! I DID forget that. I thought of a couple of other things that didn’t fit in, but for some strange reason, that slipped my mind!
just voted again and way to go Errol…I’m waiting for the day the girls duct tape to you the ceiling in the comics
That’ll be nothing- I’m waiting till the day they bury him up to the neck in the middle of the Canadian wilderness several hours from civilisation (both in the form of actual cities, and the computer game)
I’m waiting for the day I can wreak vengeance on Moffatbooks for calling grown-ass women “girls.” Just sayin’.
Can I call you “girls”? ^_^
Errol: Not if you want to keep all your fingers.
that’s nothing, i still call my grown brother a brat half the time I see him. then again that’s usually after he does hard high fives. And I call his elderly Boxer dog a puppy still.
I call Manpans, Manpans.
I have voted many times now.
I sure hope we’re making a sweet dent for geekdom in Canada.
Me too, SWG. Me too! ^_^