Comic 907 – “Let’s Celebrate”
Errol: We had so much fun last night! ^_^ If you’re in Toronto, you should go. Our friend Michael flew from Japan to see us. ^_^
And our gig with Monkeyman Productions continues TONIGHT!
Kari Maaren will be there! Manda wrote a play! Remember Dale from NaNoMusical? He’s directing a play! Remember Kelsey, the director for NaNoMusical? She is directing a play too! BUY TICKETS!
Debs: Hey! You didn’t ask me to go out for pho! But I probably would have said no because I was really exhausted after the show last night 🙂 But pho sometime soon?
Manda: Last night was tons of fun! And to be fair, I would not have said no to pho :D.
#VoteGeek for #Searchlight!

It’s Day 13! For more info, check out our Voting Page!
Vote Copy Red Leader – Tatooine Blues
Vote Kari Maaren – Kids These Days
Vote The Blast Processors – We Ride
Vote Press Start 2 Play – 8-Bit Memory
Vote Debs & Errol – Geek Love Song
And remember to tweet it and ask people to share, so that you can win some geek music from all of us! For more info on the contest, check out our Contest Page! (Which is the same as the voting page.) Here are some buttons for you!
And for you Facebook people, please tag our facebook page so we know you shared it! Also add in #VoteGeek!
6 gigs in a two week span. That’s like TOURING. 🙂
been there done that Errol…life and exhaustion just gets in the way.