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9 Responses to Comic 956 – “Solo Setlist”

  1. HEY HEY HEY!!!! When I first got here, the embed was the Make It So video!! And there were comments from three days ago and four months ago- which means it is back up on YouTube!! YAAAAYYYY!!!!

    When I looked into comment the video embed becaume the Audio Land II promo, which also is cool. Yay live performance! (that I can’t be at.. boo)

  2. Errol does the flailing limbs dance while Her Highness does cuteness in sunglasses…All is well then

  3. I am mildly disappointed by your continued attempts to remove yourself from the stage Errol- if you can’t transport a keyboard, there had better be some Ukulele action, because you are not writing yourself out of this that easily…