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Comic 1000 – “Worth It”


Errol: First off, come back tomorrow. We have something planned and we’re excited to launch it.

A thousand comics. Wow. It’s been over three years, and we have been doing comics on a daily basis (except for Sunday). I didn’t expect this. I didn’t expect a lot of things, in fact.

And through it all, you guys have been hanging in there with us. Thanks, folks. You people are awesome. ^_^

Debs: This concludes the arc of very heavy things, guys. By all means, if you’d like to ask us about anything or share your thoughts, please do. πŸ™‚ Β And yes, you are all crazy amazing. <3 Tomorrow, to celebrate making to the 1000 comic mark (!!!), there will be a surprise!

11 Responses to Comic 1000 – “Worth It”

  1. So…why does Debs say “I’m not good with endings” if nothing is ending?

    • E: Because of the hiatus/break… ^_^

      And this was an actual conversation we had. πŸ˜€

      It was awesome. ^_^

  2. Awww I am sad that this arc is ending. It’s been my favourite so far, and something I can relate to.

  3. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” -Semisonic from Closing Time.
    Just listen to the song in your mind as you read these “final” panels.


    Can’t wait for what’s in store!
    Hopefully you’re taking notes from Weird Al. πŸ™‚

  4. Aww, this arc almost made me cry a little bit. I actually really love all of your work, even if I’m not super active on the website I still lurk! You guys do some amazing stuff and are really awesome, and one of the few artists that can really brighten up any down day of mine! So glad to hear you aren’t breaking up, and I wish both you and Debs the Best of luck (with a capital “B”!) with sorting things out and with your future band-things.
