Comic 1030 – “Kari Cover”
Errol: Good grief, it took me a long time to find a pic which had Debs and her guitar. Man, we keep talking about other things other than actually being…you know…musicians.
We want to perform a cover of Kari’s Trekless for Press Start 2 Play’s EP release tomorrow! If you’re in Toronto, you should come and hear us mangle Kari’s song! The Blast Processors will also be there! It will be all sorts of awesome!
Debs: Yeah. Umm. This is a really hard song. In addition to five hours with Errol, I’ve done about that on my own working on the guitar, in part because Kari made a really great suggestion that forced me to learn a whole bunch of new weird chords (w00t/cringe!). If we had more time, we would have made a video of us as we attempted to learn it because all the mistakes would have been hilarious.
It’s also true that we haven’t played it perfectly through once, but we still want to play it on Wednesday. 😛
This is a song loaded with suspended chords and based on an extremely fast 6/8 strumming pattern that goes tickatickaticka tock, tock, tock over and over and over again…until it launches into a long, ridiculous series of variations on that pattern, that is. I believe Debs has taken out the tickas. You would think these guys would start with something simple–“Dear George R. R. Martin,” for instance–but no: they choose a four-minute-long song with a complex rhyme scheme, shifting chord and strumming patterns, and a strumming speed that even I can barely maintain. Also, they’ve turned it into a duet.