Comic 1106 – “D&E Vacation Hiatus”
Errol: Wow. The last comic for 2014. I’m sorry I couldn’t finish off the OVFF arc. I really wanted to, but I couldn’t figure out how to fit all the comics in. I will continue them later.
In the meantime, as the comic says, we’re taking December off. There will be no twitter, no facebook, no instagram. Well, ok, there may be some instagram.
We’ve been doing this band thing for almost three and a half years. I’ve been trying my best to put out a daily webcomic (save Sundays). That’s been awesome, but it’s also quite time consuming!
I’ve cut out on a lot of stuff because of the band. I don’t play as many games or read as much as I used to. I don’t watch as much tv. I don’t get a chance to go to cool things that my friends put on because I’ve been so swamped with gigs during the month that if I go out yet again I kinda get in trouble with my kids!
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the band. I utterly, utterly love this band. And if I could gig more, I probably would. I would put out more music videos, more songs, more comics, more photoshops, more everything, because I really like D&E.
However, we need to take a break. And I’m hoping this December will be a wonderful break and get me charged up for even more in 2015.
You guys have a great holiday, ok? And I’ll see you in January!
P.S. I’m not stopping my personal Facebook. So if you wish to be my friend there, by all means, add me.
Oh, and could do one last favor for us? Can you tweet our Locked song?
If you could, that would be grand. ^_^
Have a nice break, and happy holidays!