Debs and Errol are on Hiatus, but I’m Not!
Hello! It is Brian, your friendly neighborhood eHermit here. I’ve been drawn out of my cave by this month long hiatus…
Earlier today I’d asked if it would be okay with Debs and Errol if I were to post a few older videos while they are out and about. Errol said go for it!
I’m going to keep this preamble short and sweet. Here are Debs and Errol and Sue (and Fluffytron who I’ve met now) in… duh duh duh duhhhhhh
“Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots!”, a cover of the song by The Flaming Lips!
This cover was one of the rewards earned when Debs and Errol crowd funded their first album, “Songs in the Key of Geek”. Thank you to Marty for asking for this song. This is one of my personal favs.
You may not know that crowd funding was Debs’ idea in the first place:

To follow the progress of their first album, start at page 9 of the Songs in the Key of Geek tag and move forward.
Where’s the Super-Like button!?
I don’t believe this hiatus thing unlit it actually occurs.
So far, they are laying pretty low..