Comic 1052 – “Code”
Debs: To be fair, I watched half of the panel first. 😀 Continue
Debs: To be fair, I watched half of the panel first. 😀 Continue
Debs: This was pretty cool 😀 The cast was backstage before we went on, and when we came back after singing “Trekless”, Jonathan Frakes approached me and said that he enjoyed it a lot. Do you hear that, Kari?! RIKER LIKES YOUR SONG!!! So awesome! Continue
Debs: I know it shouldn’t, but this whole thing is making me laugh. And for those of you who’ve chatted at me with things like, “I don’t even perform and I’m having nightmares reading this,” seriously. Don’t worry. It turned out just fine 😛
Debs: We got to sing one song before the cast of Star Trek TNG came on stage, and it was “Trekless”, by Kari. It quickly became apparent that Errol couldn’t see his words at all but thankfully, his shtick in that song is slightly flustered and confused anyway, so it still worked. Continue
Errol: We were nervous. Debs didn’t want to think she was singing in front of Sir Patrick Stewart. The celebs were surrounded by handlers, and a few people were introducing themselves to them. I didn’t want to bother them so we stayed off to the side. Continue
Errol: We had no idea the room was going to be that big. I couldn’t see the people at the back where the sound was. It was crazy! Continue
Errol: We’re back! And this week’s comic will focus on Montreal Comiccon! Huzzah! If you want to see these pics, they are on our facebook page. You probably don’t want to see these pics. Debs: I can’t for the life of me fathom why Errol went into the Palais des congrès (where the con was)… Continue
Errol: Emily of Geektropolis.ca brought this up during our interview. It was brand new to me and it intrigues me a great deal. Makes me want to do more stuff. I really hope their app gets funded! I’d love to have an app of every geek event in Toronto! Continue
Errol: Friday! Tonight! We leave for Montreal! ROAD TRIP! I love road trips! ^_^ Actually, I like the food we eat on road trips… Continue
E: I was out late at a gig and had no comic prepared because I was not forward thinking. This was one of the comics scheduled when I was away. It replaced because of the Ghibli announcement. So I’m using it now!! Hah! It makes no sense in the narrative. So it has no comic… Continue