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Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo

Comic 170 – “Nanotoons”

Comic 170 – “Nanotoons”

Errol: Yes, I’m doing a crossover with Nanotoons. They have a Facebook page too. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, I don’t see how, considering we’ve been talking about this ever since November started. Debs: You mean you’ve been ‘complaining’ about it. Errol: Well. Yes. If you want to be honest about… Continue

Comic 160 – “Helpful”

Comic 160 – “Helpful”

Debs: Errol is a little swamped by everything he has to do for NaNoWriMo so he asked me if I could take over comics today through Friday.   He’s not even helping with the script. Why no, I wasn’t modeling us after his NaNoTunes, why do you ask? Errol: Nanotunes. That’s…. brilliant. Why didn’t I think… Continue