Comic 49 – “Mmmm… meat”
Errol: If you’re thinking to yourself that this is the fourth comic on Pho, you would be right. But don’t worry, it’s the last. Pho is worth four comics. 😀 Continue
Errol: If you’re thinking to yourself that this is the fourth comic on Pho, you would be right. But don’t worry, it’s the last. Pho is worth four comics. 😀 Continue
Errol: Debs was more conciliatory than this comic suggests. I just wanted to point out that a) Pho bowls are huge and b) Always trust Errol. 😀 Debs: I did get the small! Why does my flower keep switching sides? Errol: I know. You did ask if you should get the medium first, though. Continue
Errol: Admittedly, I’ve never tried the vegetarian pho. I like tofu and all, but I love the beef broth. Continue
Errol: How could she not know what pho is? Sad, sad day. Debs: Well you haven’t finished BSG! Errol: I at least knew what BSG was! Hmm, I should write a song about you not knowing what pho was… Continue