Comic 78 – “Recording Done!”
Debs: We’ve finished recording for the CD! So happy 🙂 Errol: Wait, when am I NOT manic? Continue
Debs: We’ve finished recording for the CD! So happy 🙂 Errol: Wait, when am I NOT manic? Continue
Debs: Yes, I like to give Errol lots and lots of retakes. He doesn’t mind though. I think. At least I don’t think he minds… Continue
Allo Everyone! CD progress is marching along, and there is one more way you can get involved – by being on it yourself! We’re hoping that some of you could send us short audio clips that we can feature in one of the songs. The song is called “Beastmaster’s Cry” I wrote with D.J.… Continue
Errol: Fan funding was Deb’s idea. It’s a good idea, but one that still feels foreign to me! 😀 But we have some great supportive people out there, and we are moved by those who have sponsored us! Debs: I liked naming the sponsorship levels! Continue
Errol: Last week, Debs didn’t draw a comic. She had things to do. Things I wasn’t privy to. We had already scripted that comic two weeks before anyway. Last week, we also sent our Double Rainbow song to be mixed. It has 25 different tracks in it and Debs thought it would be helpful to… Continue
Today is Double Rainbow Recording Day! Debs likes to get theatrical when she records and is wearing a bright rainbowy top (though for some reason, it doesn’t look bright in the picture) and screamingly intense pink, yellow and purple clown pants. Errol isn’t as theatrical. He’s wearing one of the few shirts he had that… Continue
Hello all, as you know, we have a song contest for our latest CD. We’re also fan funding it, and Debs and I made this video to help promote it: It’s also in the sidebar because youtube allows you to put custom size in now, that’s brilliant. There are two reasons I’m posting! One is… Continue