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Comic 168 – “Missed Again”

Errol: Sorry the comic’s late. I blame Debs. I mean, for real now. As opposed to the other times, where I’m just looking for an excuse. 😀 Poor Debs.

Debs: Errol, I know what Penny Arcade is!  Yeah, the lateness is my fault.  I was going to do the comic after class but then learned that a classmate’s funk band was playing nearby so I went to go see that. (so. so. awesome.)  I could actually get home on the super late night buses (Toronto>’burbs).  😀  Anyway, the comic I was thinking of doing was pretty much this one.  Without the Skyrim thing, because I don’t know what that is.  Except googling, it’s something to do with Penny Arcade.  So I guess I don’t know what Penny Arcade is.  And what do you mean ‘missed again’?  When did I miss the first time?

Errol: Woops, fixed the typo.

8 Responses to Comic 168 – “Missed Again”

  1. Oh Debs, I’m not sure if that much ignorance of popular references is forgivable. Maybe, just barely, because you at least know what Skynet is.