Gonna take more than that Debs. Sorry, I just prefer the cleaner lines of Errol’s comics, and paint isn’t giving you those.
Empire strikes back reaction there…
Ermm, yes, I also prefer Errol comics, I too like the cleanliness of his lines.
So…when does the seduction process start?
Well, I think Debs’ are cute! The comic conversations are always funny, and I think using Paint lets you play off the situations really well since you have more freedom with character positioning, facial expressions, &c.
Not that I’m saying I don’t like your style, though, Errol!!
Personally, I find that people are actually discussing this amusing. 😀
If anything, it certainly has given me more ideas for the comic!
Just like my politically correct, over-empathic five year old says to me: “I like them both the same!”
Regardless of who draws the comic, they are always fun and good for a laugh..
+1 to Errol for his “Manga” style
+1 to Debs for her “Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man” style
Gonna take more than that Debs. Sorry, I just prefer the cleaner lines of Errol’s comics, and paint isn’t giving you those.
Empire strikes back reaction there…
Ermm, yes, I also prefer Errol comics, I too like the cleanliness of his lines.
So…when does the seduction process start?
Well, I think Debs’ are cute! The comic conversations are always funny, and I think using Paint lets you play off the situations really well since you have more freedom with character positioning, facial expressions, &c.
Not that I’m saying I don’t like your style, though, Errol!!
Personally, I find that people are actually discussing this amusing. 😀
If anything, it certainly has given me more ideas for the comic!
Just like my politically correct, over-empathic five year old says to me: “I like them both the same!”
Regardless of who draws the comic, they are always fun and good for a laugh..
+1 to Errol for his “Manga” style
+1 to Debs for her “Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man” style